Record Breaking Performance
Ort: Ve.Sch Raum, Schikanedergasse 11/3, 1040 Wien
Live Performance: am 19. Juli 2008, 21.30 Uhr
Eintritt: 1 Vinyl LP / +Additional LPs (receive Free Drink Coupons!!)
Keine Begrüßung
Pedro Lagoa's "Record Breaking" LP Dokument (September 2008) mit
texte von Tobi Maier (Kurator: Frankfurter Kunstverein)
In Vienna this summer, after enduring the EM and waiting for the
Summer Olympics in Beijing to begin, the phrase "Record Breaking
Performance" could be misunderstood as relating to sports or a sports-
metaphor- but here we mean it literally. Record (Vinyl LPs) Breaking
(destruction) Performance (party).
Lagoa's (autonomous) action invites people to bring their vinyl LPs
for him to play and for the spectators to participate in the
destruction of the LPs. Lagoa developed his 'Record Breaking' party
idea by uniting the act of destruction and play as mutual acts of
transgression and to his own childhood friends 'destruction parties'
in an underground club in Portugal. Destroying your parent's 70s
hippy, 80s disco, and Schlager records- is a natural act of
transgression against the previous generation. This generational
negation naturally happens, as well, within the history of Modernism
and is the very nature of the avant-garde. (MH)
‚AUTONOMOUS ACTS' ist Kuratiert von Michael Hall und ein Projekt von
KÖR- Kunst im öffentlichen Raum (Wien) (coming soon!)