Symposium  SCHMUCK ALS URBANER PROZESS  October 8, 2014  FH Düsseldorf Japanhaus


Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences / Japanhaus
8th October 2014, 12.00 — 22.00 h

'Schmuck als urbaner Prozess' is an experimental exhibition and research project where, under the guidance of the professors Elisabeth Holder and Gabi Schillig, students were examining and designing various outward forms of jewellery in urban space. The resulting objects, performative systems, installations and interventions all go beyond common definitions of jewellery. The symposium with its international and interdisciplinary nature antedates the exhibition and reflects the crossdisciplinary character of the student projects. This, together with the fact that the symposium makes use of the same set of categories as have been used to structure the exhibition, the symposium will both deepen and enhance the research findings presented and discussed in the exhibition at Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, opening early November 2014 and a publication in spring 2015. 

°Schmuck, the German term for jewellery, denotes many forms of adornment and decoration that greatly differ from what we normally understand as jewellery. For this reason we left the title untranslated.

Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences / Japanhaus
Georg-Glock-Str. 19, 40474 Düsseldorf

Carried out in cooperation with Stadtmuseum der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf

Financially assisted by
Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences (HiFF)
Department of Design (QVM)
Institute for Research in Applied Arts (IRAA)