Poltroneria: Eating Out
A project by Bianca Baldi & Ani Schulze
with Leda Bourgogne, Clare Butcher, Inger Wold Lund, Aki Nagasaka, Ambra Pittoni, André Sousa, André Tavares, Pedro Bandeira, Marijana Schneider, Linda Stupart
8–13 December, 2015 /// Opening: 7 December 2015, 7–9pm
Roberta, Münchener Str. 32, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Program for the opening evening:
7 pm Flaming Ferraris by Bianca Baldi and Ani Schulze
8 pm 12 Stories about Love and Hamburgers by Inger Wold Lund
Tonight we are eating out, grabbing a meal as a necessary function to fuel the engine. A night walk follows the meal; big inky pupils make everything sparkle. Beads of sweat on exposed skin glisten in the orange streetlight, pleasure is also on tonight’s menu. The concierge asks a small price to make the threshold to the night disappear, he preludes playtime.
We’ve called in the caterers to supply an endless mountain of whipped cream as an aid for the night’s food fight. The bigger the bill the harder you ball. Oh, but that dreaded feeling that we know all too well, you cum too quick and you barely whimper. We’re just getting into to it, when all of the sudden it´s over. The alarm clock's automatically set to the same time every day. Every single day.
Eating Out is the second chapter of project Poltroneria initiated by the artists Bianca Baldi and Ani Schulze in Naples in the summer of 2014 as a collaborative publication (Poltroneria- Fragments towards a film script), a film and exhibition project.
Poltroneria is loosely translated to sloth and listed as one of the seven deadly sins. However this meaning spans many different terms giving it various nuances. Depending on historical and cultural context it is interpreted differently and can therefore also be translated as otium which refers instead to idleness–a state ofbeing rather than a doing. A form of passiveness or inaction which is associated with a constructive and thus positive quality.
At Roberta Baldi and Schulze develop and narrate these ideas further. Again the formal frame is the fictional film script now taking to light the city of Frankfurt with its complex historical relationship with trade and logistics in the city of the Euro. For the new chapter they’ve invited their previous collaborators, architects, artists, curators and thinkers, keeping in the role of their given characters, to contribute in reaction to the new setting. This time the prescribed format is a PowerPoint presentation (a.ppt file) dictated by a tempo set by the city’s markets as a means to extend and develop ideas around work and otium.
The exhibition was made possible by the cultural office of the City of Frankfurt.
Münchener Straße 32
60329 Frankfurt am Main
28 November 2015 – 16 January 2016
Windows Hung with Shutters – Brice Dellsperger, Gina Folly, Erika Landström, Zac Langdon-Pole, Charlotte Prodger, Josephine Pryde, Willem de Rooij and Anna Zacharoff
A project by Anna Goetz
At RaebervonStenglin
Pfingstweidstr. 23 / Welti-Furrer Areal
CH - 8005 Zürich