Hochschule für Bildende Künste–Städelschule
Dieses Board stellt nicht die offizielle Meinung der Hochschule für Bildende Künste–Städelschule dar.
Dürerstr. 10, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
This Board does not reflect the official opinion of the Hochschule für Bildende Künste–Städelschule.
Sighs Trapped by Liars
Natalie Häusler, we are getting a little bit too close here (still life), 2012, Courtesy Supportico Lopez, Berlin
Sighs Trapped by Liars
Language in Art
Art & Language, Nanni Balestrini, Natalie Czech, Michael Dean, Heinrich Dunst, Shannon Ebner, Natalie Häusler, David Jourdan, Alison Knowles, Isabella Kohlhuber, Georg Oberhumer, Ewa Partum, Michael Riedel, Sue Tompkins, Cerith Wyn Evans
Opening: March 11, 2016, 6pm
with concert / lecture by Ian Svenonius (ESCAPE-ISM)
CMRK Openings: 6pm Künstlerhaus, 7pm Grazer Kunstverein, 8pm Camera Austria, 9pm
< rotor > www.cmrk.org
Free shuttle service: Departure Vienna, March 11, 2016, 3pm, opera bus stop 59a; Departure Graz, March 11, 2016, 11:30pm, < rotor >, Volksgarten
The exhibition Sighs Trapped by Liars – Language in Art is devoted to poetry’s relationship with art. Although this relationship is certainly a long-standing and productive one, it was continually subjected to radical scrutinisation by the artistic avant-gardes of the twentieth century. From the Futurists to the Dadaists, the Surrealists to the Lettrists, acts of overcoming syntax were always favoured methods for exposing linguistic effects or creating an awareness of problems related to representational character.
Based on a work title by the English artists’ group Art & Language, the exhibition is characterised by current issues of poetics such as its potential fields of agency and productive fractures in the visual sphere. Which works presented here reflect a history of the artistic-poetic experiment? Which works pursue a poetic-sculptural practice from the mediatic distortions of writing itself? What exactly changes when words from the visual sphere are exposed to the art world? During the exhibition, a fair for independent art fanzines called #Riafeniz will take place, introducing less-accessible experimental formats for publishing and distribution while also presenting the fanzine released as part of the exhibition.
Zinefair #Riafeniz: May 6 - May 7, 2016
on the occasion of aktuelle kunst in graz
Supporting program An Art Day's Night:
March 17, 2016 6pm Lecture Jeff Derkson
March 31, 2016 6pm Artist Talk Heinrich Dunst
April 07, 2016 6pm Performance Till Gathmann
April 14, 2016 6pm Lecture Marc Matter
April 21, 2016 6pm Artist Talk Isabella Kohlhuber
April 28, 2016 6pm Lecture Max Henry
May 12, 2016 6pm Artist Talk Georg Oberhumer
May 19, 2016 6pm Performance Sue Tompkins
May 25, 2016 Installation presentation at the foyer Jörg Piringer, cooperation with Springfestival
Halle für Kunst & Medien
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria