Hochschule für Bildende Künste–Städelschule
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Dürerstr. 10, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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Markus Weisbeck - ABCstract 1.9.2017
Markus Weisbeck
1. September - 28. Oktober 2017
Eröffnung Opening
Freitag Friday 1. September 19 - 21 Uhr
The missing Link between the Bauhaus and Buster Keaton, 2014 - 2017
Kai Middendorff Galerie
Niddastraße 84
60329 Frankfurt
Kai Middendorff Galerie is pleased to announce an exhibition of new work from 1.9.2017 by the internationally renowned graphic designer and artist Markus Weisbeck.
Weisbeck’s work covers references to historical theories and conceptions of visual design theory as taught, for example, at Bauhaus, HfG Ulm, or at MIT in Cambridge. By shifting basic parameters, Markus Weisbeck makes these fruitful for his own work. He conducts context-crossing, hybrid experiments as mixtures of several approaches. At Bauhaus Universität Weimar, he has set up his own study space, the Space for Visual Research. His abstract works, mostly photographs derived from experimentation, are less of a reference to modernity than to their teaching methods. These detached themselves from the idea of the image, and placed pure, experimental designs in the foreground.
Markus Weisbeck’s own contemporary, abstract images serve as a visual basis, which he superimposes with typography and thus makes use of applied contexts (mainly from the cultural sphere). Its image-text interrelations - from a single source - are of a conceptual precision and clarity that is second to none.
Markus Weisbeck (* 1965) is considered to be one of the most influential graphic designers in the German-speaking world and is a member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale). He is the founder and head of the agency Surface and was, for example, responsible for the new design concept of Musem für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt, the corporate design of Luma Arles, or the visual identity of the German pavilion at the Venice Biennale (for Isa Genzken as well as for Liam Gillick), and for the integration of his own photographic work into the project. In the past year, MMK Frankfurt showed Weisbeck’s eight-part work Gravitations from its own MMK Collection, across the way from the work Ghost Gu Coming Down the Mountains by Ai Weiwei / Serge Spitzer.
A hitherto unknown variation of Gravitations, in which all geometric basic forms are in motion and so appear blurred, bears the title The Missing Link between The Bauhaus and Buster Keaton and will be shown for the first time in the exhibition Markus Weisbeck – ABCstract.