Film Screening: "La Commune (Paris, 1871)" at »Faites votre jeu!« 25.7. - 11.00 AM

*La Commune (Paris, 1871)*

presented by /Rebond pour la Commune/ and the Free Class FFM.

*July 25th. 11.00 am*, at the Altes Polizeigefängnis,
Klapperfeldgasse 5 (Near Konstablerwache).

In Peter Watkins film La Commune (Paris, 1871) more than 200 actors interpret characters of the Commune on a stage-like set, with particular focus on the Popincourt neighborhood in the XIth arrondissement. They voice their own thoughts and feelings concerning the social and political reforms. A journalist for Versailles Television broadcasts a soothing and official view of events while a Commune television is set up to provide the perspectives of the Paris rebels.

The film, a 5 hour 45 minute event will be presented by the group Rebond pour la Commune. The cast later decided to form this association to further a discussion on key elements in the film and its production process. For this presentation of the film, the Rebond will be comprised of the casting director Patrick Watkins and three of the films' non-actor participants.

There will be intermittent breaks throughout the day with refreshments.