10. Mai 2011 Beige Cube : Premiere "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" von Oona-Léa von Maydell

10. Mai 2011: Premiere "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" von Oona-Léa von Maydell im Beige Cube, Oppenheimer Str. 34a, Frankfurt am Main
Oona-Léa von Maydell (*1985, seit 2010 Masterstudiengang Curatorial Studies an der Goetheuniversität Frankfurt am Main und Städelschule) zeigt den Film "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire", welcher zwischen 2010 und 2011 entstand. 

Screening jeden Abend vom 10. bis 17. Mai zwischen 22 und 0 Uhr

Dies ist die letzte von Phillip Zach kuratierte Ausstellung in dem seit 2005 unter wechslendem Namen von Städelstudenten kuratierten Raum in der Oppenheimer Strasse 34a.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Vereins Städelschule Portikus e.V. sowie der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Dezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft

english version:

May 10th 2011, 9pm : Premiere of "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" by Oona-Léa von Maydell at Beige Cube, Oppenheimer Str. 34a, Frankfurt am Main

Oona-Léa von Maydell (*1985, graduated from Krebber class, Staedelschool, in 2010, studies since 2011 at Critical and Curatorial Program of Goethe-University and Staedelschool) screens for the first time her 8 minute film "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire", on which she was working between 2010 and 2011.

Screening each night from between may 10th and 17th between 10 and 12pm

This will be the last exhibition curated by Phillip Zach in that space, which is organised under changing name by students of Staedelschool since 2005.

With friendly support by Verein Städelschule Portikus e.V. and also by the City of Frankfurt am Main - Dezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft.

back up
turn around
go lower
close in on her
don´t move, Nadine!
What are you doing here?

Put your head down here.
This is very important. He´s half dead, but he still represents life for you.

You hold his head and say, But I love you.
We´ll just rehearse the close-up.
Then you fuck him, take him!
He´ll keep his trousers on now...
When we shoot it´ll be much easier when he takes them off.
Go ahead, tell him you love him.
Go ahead, tell him!
Say it!
I...I love you, I love you.
I...love you.
You feel him, it turns you on...
Thats why you say: I love you!
Try it! Go on!
Feel him and say: I love you.
I love you.
I can´t do that, it´s...
Yes, you can!
No, i can´t! It´s too much!
You´re getting paid for it.
No buts, go ahead.
Feel him!
Put life into it, you love him.
More, you love him!
I love you.
No photos please.
I´m an actress, I do good stuff.
I only do this to...to eat.
So please, no photos.
Who is this guy?
No photographs...
Get boff the set.
I said no photographers on the set!