For all who have gone to Paris and all the other ones that couldnt make it, not at least for the own pleasure: "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" will end on Tuesday May 17th at 9pm with a breathtaking finnisage!
Oona-Léa von Maydell (*1985, seit 2010 Masterstudiengang Curatorial Studies an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main und Städelschule) zeigt den Film "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" (2010/2011).
Dies ist die letzte von Phillip Zach kuratierte Ausstellung in dem seit 2005 unter wechslendem Namen von Städelstudenten kuratierten Raum in der Oppenheimer Strasse 34a.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Vereins Städelschule Portikus e.V. sowie der Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Dezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft
english version:
May 10th 2011, 9pm : Premiere of "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire" by Oona-Léa von Maydell at Beige Cube, Oppenheimer Str. 34a, Frankfurt am Main
Oona-Léa von Maydell (*1985, graduated from Krebber class, Staedelschool, in 2010, studies since 2011 at Critical and Curatorial Program of Goethe-University and Staedelschool) screens her film "For a Few Dollars of Celestial Empire"(2010/2011).
This will be the last exhibition curated by Phillip Zach in that space, which is organised under changing name by students of Staedelschool since 2005.
With friendly support by Verein Städelschule Portikus e.V. and also by the City of Frankfurt am Main - Dezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft.