10 Images.Dieci Immagini

10 Images . Dieci Immagini

Ten works in the form of posters by artists from various nationalities who live and work in Berlin will be on view on the walls for public postings in the old town of Cervia from the 8th to the 17th of October. The idea is to expose different images from the ones that you usually see on the walls of the city hung between various types of discounts or offers. These images are apparently without a declared intention, but in fact exposed make one wonder and stimulate a process of aesthetic awareness.
"Images 'innocent'.
Images as 'fragments' is a group exhibition without a structure except for the panels on which they are glued to and without theme.
The only limit is the size of the poster of 70 x 100 cm.
Artwork is to be seen on the street sharing a public space. 
Today it is possible is to establish in the center of a town a relationship or a reaction to works arising from the imagination of those who live elsewhere in the big city like Berlin.
The flow of images, which captures our attention, makes this happen much easier. The speed at which the contemporary image is used  enables for the power to create new realities and to spread existing ones.
Participating artists include, Giovanna Sarti, also the curator of the exibition, Silva Agostini, Stefanie Brottrager, Andreas Diefenbach, Juergen Eisenacher, Jens Nippert, Marike Schuurman, Jens Ullrich, Alessandro Vitali and Klaus Winichner.


Annabelle von Girsewald, Johnny Farabegoli, and Joerg Astheimer were invited to participate with written texts about the image and poster. Their texts posted as images are from three different positions, from a curator's, an architect's, and a sociologist's point of view.
The opening on October 8th  from 5pm till 7pm will take place at Circonvallazione Sacchetti, behind the old Salt Stores of Cervia .
Some of the invited artist will be present.