in one's own time - Napoli, July 10-17

in one's own time
an exhibition proposed by Constantin Thun

10 – 17 July 2016

San Giuseppe delle Scalze, Salita Pontecorvo, Napoli 80135, Italy                

Opening: Sunday, 10 July, 6 – 8:30pm

In 1909 Futurism was born in Naples. In 2016 the false promise of a mandatory future defied itself. The city turns in on itself. The new begins in observations of the old. It only requires time.

Adelyhd van Bender, André Cadere, I.N. Cape, Rob Chavasse, Leidy Churchman, Cosimo Fanzago, Heike-Karin Föll, Sofia Ginevra Gianni, Jack Goldstein, Delia Gonzalez, Isabel Lewis, Maria Loboda, Matmos, Shahryar Nashat, Walter Pichler, Augustas Serapinas, Hannah Weinberger, Richard Wentworth, Holger Wüst and Cerith Wyn Evans

The week is accompanied by screenings selected by Martin Ebner, a guided tour of Sanità’s architecture by Fabrizio Ballabio, readings of Sandro Penna’s short stories, and a portable library by Beck Books.
+44 77 9464 5380