with contributions by Tauba Auerbach, Andrea Winkler, Aaron Weldon, Ian Svenonius, Mazaccio & Drowilal, Peles Empire, Annette Weisser, Yves Mettler, Sarah Mendelsohn, Andrew Berardini, and Sonja Hornung
Saturday & Sunday, 23 & 24 September 2017, 11–19h
Opening Reception: Friday, 22 September 2017, 18–20h
Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin
Free Entry
This magazine changes its font with each issue. The name of the font becomes the issues' title. Published so far: Chicago, Times, Plotter, Helvetica, DIN, Techno, Löhfelm, RR_02, Univers, Tiffany, Circuit, Memphis, Gringo, Zeus, The Mix, Princess Lulu, Pigiarniq, Paper, Libertine, Trixie, Déjà Vu, Auto, Rediviva, Acid, Wanda, Loraine, Hallo, Korpus, Spiegel, Zeitschrift and FIG.
Edited and published by: Christian Egger, Christian Kosmas Mayer, Yves Mettler, Magda Tothova, Ruth Weismann, Alexander Wolff
Available at: Vienna: Secession, Walther König; Berlin: Pro qm, Books People Places, Image Movement, Motto, Bücherbogen Savignyplatz; Graz: Künstlerhaus; Aachen: Neuer Aachener Kunstverein
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