TALK: Jos de Gruyter, Harald Thys & Fabian Schöneich, Thursday, October 13, 7 pm


Jos de Gruyter, Harald Thys & Fabian Schöneich

Thursday, October 13
7 pm

The talk will be in English

Films by Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys

Friday, October 14, 12 - 6 pm
Saturday, October 15, 12 - 6 pm

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:

Riccardo Paratore - Frankenstein am Main

14 October - 14 November, 2016

Opening: Friday 14 Oct, 2016. 8pm onwards

Hafenstrasse 23
60327 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (0)176 6422 6509

OPENING in Frankfurt "States of flux: The Token", 7 pm /// ОТКРИВАНЕ във Франкфурт "Състояния на поток: Привидността", 19 ч.



last part

with Sebastian Burger, Luci Lippard, Dardan Zhegrova

6 - 8 October 2016
at Waschsalon, Eckenheimer Landstraße 65, Frankfurt
(opposite to Eis Christina)

Opening: 6 October, 7 pm
Performance by Luci Lippard at 8 pm

"States of Flux" evolves around four sites as its decentred stages, which form the spine of an imaginary geography of flux.

The Token, the last part of the project “States of Flux” takes place in Frankfurt – a city with a thriving global late-capitalist economy. The mirror facades that surround us are those of a speculative financial apparatus that grows ever more elusive through its obsession with the production of fictions about the future. With such fictions governing our reality, how can we claim our vulnerable presence?

Luci Lippard is a performance band formed in Berlin in spring of 2014 by artists Lucinda Dayhew and Hanne Lippard. Using drums, voice, synths and songs, the duo make noise out of poetry.

The exhibition continues until 8 October. Opening hours on 7 and 8 october: 3-6 pm, or by appointment.

"States of Flux: The Sunniest Beach. After the Splash. The Sanguine. The Token." is curated by Viktoria Draganova and Gergana Todorova and hosted by Swimming Pool, Sofia.

The exhibition series is supported by: Municipality of Sofia Program “Culture”, Iaspis, Ifa Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, OCA and Goethe-Institut Sofia.



последна част

със Себастиян Бургер, Луси Липард,
Дардан Жегрова

6 - 8 октомври 2016
в Waschsalon, Eckenheimer Landstraße 65, Frankfurt/M.

Откриване: 6 октомври, 19 ч.
Пърформанс на Луси Липард в 20 ч.

„Състояния на поток“ преминава през четири места, които чертаят въображаемата география на един поток.

Привидността, последната част на проекта, е във Франкфурт – място на процъфтяваща глобална капиталистическа икономика. Огледалните фасади, които ни заобикалят, са тези на един спекулативен финансов апарат, все по-неуловим в манията си да произвежда фикции за бъдещето. Ако тези фикции управляват реалността ни, как можем да заявим своето уязвимо присъствие?

Luci Lippard e пърформанс група, формирана в Берлин през пролетта на 2014 от Lucinda Dayhew и Hanne Lippard. Чрез барабани, глас, синтезатори и пеене, дуото превъща поезията в шум.

Изложбата ще продължи до 8 октомври. Работно време на 7 и 8 октовмри: от 15 до 18 ч.

„Състояния на поток“ e курирана от Виктория Драганова и Гергана Тодорова, и представена от Swimming Pool, София.

С финансовата подкрепа на Програма Култура София, Iaspis, Ifa Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Гьоте-Институт София и OCA.



second part

with Max Brand, Tiril Hasselknippe, Martin Kohout, Hanne Lippard, Tore Wallert and Anna Zacharoff

at Swimming Pool, Sofia

The exhibition continues until 16 October.
Opening hours: Fri-Sun, 16 - 19 h

Guided tour with Viktoria Draganova (co-curator, director Swimming Pool): 16 October, 17 h

Image: Tore Wallert, Walkers at the Swimming Pool, 2016 (detail). Installation view "States of Flux: After the Splash" at Swimming Pool, Sofia, 2016.
© Swimming Pool / Mihail Novakov



втора част

с Макс Бранд, Тирил Хаселкнипе, Мартин Кохут, Хане Липард, Торе Валерт и Ана Захаров

в Swimming Pool, София

Изложбата ще продължи до 16 октомври. Работно време: петък до неделя, 16-19 ч.

Тур из изложбата с Виктория Драганова (ко-куратор, директор Swimming Pool):
16 октовмри, 17 ч.

Снимка: Tore Wallert, Walkers at the Swimming Pool, 2016 (детайл). Инсталация "Състояния на поток: След вълната" в Swimming Pool, София, 2016.


Panel discussion
18 October, in the afternoon (exact times tba)
at Goethe-Institut Sofia & Swimming Pool, Sofia

Presentation of all parts of "States of Flux" and conversation.
Participants: Antonia Alampi (curator, writer, tutor) , Vladya Mihailova (curator Vaska Emanuilova Gallery) and Viktoria Draganova (co-curator "States of Flux", director Swimming Pool).

Languages: Bulgarian & English.
More information coming soon.

With the generous support of Goethe-Institut Sofia.

Image: Max Brand, Untitled, 2016. installation view "States of Flux: After the Splash" at Swimming Pool, at Swimming Pool, Sofia, 2016.

© Swimming Pool / Mihail Novakov


18 октомври, следобед (tba)
в Гьоте-Институт София и Swimming Pool

Представяне на всички части на "Състояния на поток" и разговор.
Участници: Антония Алампи (куратор, писател, доцент), Владия Михайлова (куратор Галерия Васка Емануилова) и Виктория Драганова (ко-куратор "Състояния на поток", директор Swimming Pool).

Език: български и английски.
Очаквайте скоро повече информация.

С щедрата подкрепа на Гьоте-Институт София.

Снимка: Макс Бранд, 2016. Инсталация "Състояния на поток: След вълната" в Swimming Pool, Sofia, 2016.

Copyright © SWIMMING POOL, 2016

Our mailing address is:
Tsar Osvobofitel 10, fl. 5
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

OPENING 06.10.2016, 18h - Sathit Sattarasart - Unter den Blinden & The Tip Bangkok soft launch

OPENING 06.10.2016, 18h
07.10.2016 - 15.11.2016

Unter den Blinden
Sathit Sattarasart

Two years ago I was at an art exhibition opening. It was indeed a sunny day, the day was so long and uncomfortably hot. It had not gone dark even after my first drink. And after the ninth drink, everything was still the same. I had to question myself how many drinks I had had so far. The answer should be mathematically very simple, but it took time to figure. And I did not have much time as I was busy drinking my tenth gin-tonic to be exact. I remember it clearly as if it were yesterday. Somebody turnes to me and say ‘It was yesterday! .. and maybe tomorrow
Sathit Sattarasart
TheTip Bangkok
2198/10-11 Soi Taweewattana (Narathiwas 22)
Bangkok, 10120 

Opening at ONE FOOT IN DOOR, Saturday, 1 October, 2016, 6pm, Mainluststrasse 15, Frankfurt am Main

Jessica Sehrt
Daniel Stubenvoll

Opening: Saturday, 1 October 2016, 6pm
2 October - 12 November 2016

Mainluststrasse 15, Frankfurt am Main

Opening Hours by appointment:

Künstler_innenführungen am 06.10.2016 und 15.10.2016
Start 16:00 Uhr HUSSLEHOF Koblenzer Str. 12
Getränke und Ginseng Tee @ Husslehof
Führung durch die Ausstellung End Of Pain? von Jessica Sehrt
Gespräch - Der Husslehof im Kontext aktueller Stadtentwicklung

17.00 Uhr HAUSPROJEKT NiKa Niddastr. 57
Vorstellung des Hausprojektes NiKa @ Niddastr. 57

18:00 Uhr ONE FOOT IN DOOR Mainluststr. 15
Führung durch die Ausstellung LIFE von Jessica Sehrt und Daniel Stubenvoll


The exhibition Ly at the Basis project room in Frankfurt/Main is the first of two exhibitions, the second part will take part in 2017 in the Artsenter in Kristiansand, Norway.

The three organizing and exhibiting artists Larissa Hägele, Johanna Kintner and Karen Pettersen found together based on their common interest in lightness and brightness.

Ly refers to a Scandinavian word for light. It is also the abbreviation for the unit Langley, which is used to measure energy distribution, especially solar radiation. However the title for the exhibition refers more to the sound and look of the word itself.

Johanna Kintner
Larissa Hägele
Karen Pettersen

Opening 07. Oktober 2016, 7pm
(opening times 08. + 09. Oktober 12am - 5pm)
basis Projektraum
Elbestr. 10, 60329 Frankfurt